

Friday, November 9, 2012


Dear Tyson,

You turned three on Monday and I cried the entire way to work. Typical, huh?

It WAS the first birthday of yours we didn't spend together. Sure, we celebrated the heck out of you and your threeness on Sunday (and the previous Saturday and the Saturday before that...) and, yes, I'm well aware you will never remember I wasn't there with you, but still...there were tears. Lots and lots of tears.

Three was a big year for you. You're quickly becoming quite the little kid before my eyes. It's an amazing transformation and watching you learn all sorts of new things is allowing me to slowly accept the fact that you'll never be my little baby again. Remember, I said SLOWLY.

You became a big brother this year. It's a job you take seriously. You yell at us if we go to wake up Mila without you. You HAVE to give her a kiss goodnight. You help us get diapers, spit rags and bottles. You give her toys. You make her laugh. You are protective, sweet and gentle. You are everything I dreamed you would be as her older brother and more.

You were potty trained. Fully. Like no pull ups to bed/naps and no accidents for at least the last three months. To be honest, it really didn't take much work on our end. You set your mind to it, got new Toy Story underpants, and accomplished your own goal. We made you wear pull ups to bed for the first few months, but you quickly ditched those too. On your own. You are a determined and smart little dude.

You started preschool. You are the youngest in your class and a full head shorter than most of the kids, but your teachers say you are so smart and doing so well. I drop you off on Thursdays and try to sneak back ten minutes early to watch you from the window during circle time. It's quickly become my favorite part of the week. You have new friends now-Ethan and Griffin and Ella. I know nothing about them. You sing songs that I don't know the words to. You speak in Spanish (!) And, while a part of me wants to swaddle you back up in a blanket and rock you to sleep the other part of me is beaming when you sing, "Hola, Hola, Adios" at the top of your lungs in Target.

Three years ago, I had no idea just how much love I could have for one little being. I'm still struggling to wrap my head around how I could have created such an amazing kid. As you'll discover in your teenage years, I'm not cool (at all), so, the fact that I spit out someone as awesome, smart and funny as you are is pretty much a miracle.

Every single day with you there is a moment where I am overwhelmed by how lucky I am to be your Mommy. I am so proud of you and cannot wait to watch you grow bigger and smarter.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Tys!


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