

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

National Lampoon's Family Vacation

If I told you that within two hours of arriving at our vacation destination we had checked in, checked out, and checked in again to two different hotels you’d probably think the vacation was a disaster, right?  What if I told you the toddler didn’t nap the entire first day?  And then went to sleep waayy past his bed time. And then we all slept in the same king size bed. Oh, and then acorns fell on Mila's head. While she was sleeping. No really, they did.

Despite what the above might lead you to believe, we actually had a pretty awesome family vacation. I was forced to hang up my Type A personality (also called anal-retentive behavior) and allow  naps and schedules to fall by the wayside. This was hard, but the kids survived (and more surprisingly, I did too!)

The weekend was filled with boat rides, swimming, fishing, meeting Great Grandmas and Grandpas (for Mila) and relaxing outside.  We also honored an amazing man-my great uncle Jerry.  Jerry passed away this spring, but we had a celebration of life ceremony while at the lake. His ashes were spread in one of his favorite places. I will always remember Uncle Jerry with a smile on his face and a story to tell.  Uncle Jerry could light up a room. He was happy and funny. He loved his sports and he adored his wife. I wish my kids had the opportunity to know this amazing man.

Without further ado…pictures from our National Lampoon Family Vacation…


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