

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

While the Cats are Away.....

Naturally, while Tyson was spending a weekend camping with the in-laws and Daddy was slaving away at a candy show, Mila and I attempted to empty the bank account one stop at a time.


On our first ever girl's weekend, we really whooped it up. 2 year old style. Mall of America rides, American Girl Café, at attempt at ear piercing, lots of mannequin hugging, a little bit of shopping, and her first ever movie.

I had dreamt of days like this since the minute the ultrasound tech announced that our second would be a girl (minus the mannequin hugging). I imagined the secrets she will let slip out as we walk through the mall, the hand I will need to hold when she decides she really wants her ear pierced, the way she will look at me to see if I approve of an outfit, the lunches we will share, the chick-flicks we will watch and the little girl I will try so hard to hang onto.

It was every bit as magical as I had dreamt it would be.

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